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Case Study –FRAS Airscrape®  Tailscrape and

K-Containment® Seal


Ground Breaking News!

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The Essential AIR Seal – Dust Containment Combination


Successfully installed by ConBulkS

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The essential seal solution 

Kinder’s essential transfer optimisation solution is comprised of AirScrape®, TailScrape®, K-Sure® Belt Support System and K-Containment® Seal. This industry benchmark and first of its kind solution was devised and installed to provide optimal skirting and sealing at the site's high impact zone and more specifically to eliminate the costly and hazardous material spillage problem identified during site inspection. 


NEW PrimeTracker,
K-Commander in Australia

The new PrimeTracker works unlike conventional belt guidance systems.


Innovative Solutions

Innovative Solutions for the efficient control of dust and spills and elimination of misalignment, abrasion and conveyer belt damage.


The Story of AirScrape

A‌nyone who, like Master Engineer Wilfried Dünnwald, ‌can look back on many years of service as a miner with managerial responsibilities will know at first hand the potential problems of transfer points on belt-conveyor systems. 

AirScrape Before & After

'First experience, at Copper Mine South America.

AirScrape  installed in October 2019 on a 72” conveyor belt, with a speed of 6.0 m/s and a capacity of 6,500 t/hr, with a such a positive result that this customer ordered for another 8 conveyors.

It is running successfully for 10 months now without dust or spillage at the transfer point; no maintenance and/or adjustments necessary.


The material can be seen on the AirScrape (day 135) due to some maintenance on the upper level chute and the material fell down on it.


We only have the best experience with AirScrape and we are proud to represent AirScrape, not only because it is the most efficient skirting, but also because my clients are happy.'

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Dust, dust baby

With more than 30 years of experience in the global bulk handling sector, ScrapeTec recognises the importance of developing advanced solution for conveyor systems that are used in diverse sectors. This includes the handling of abrasive materials with excessive dust, such as cement.

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Non-stop clean innovation

With the innovative AirScrape side seal, spills and dust at transfer points in conveyor systems and belt damage are a thing of the past!

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Non-stop clean innovation

With the innovative AirScrape side seal, spills and dust at transfer points in conveyor systems and belt damage are a thing of the past!

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From dust to no dust!

At most transfer points material spillage and dust generation cause significant work and long-term additional costs for gypsum producers, as well as the wear and tear of conventional sealing solutions. However, with the contactless sealing AirScrape®, ScrapeTec offers a solution that is convincing more and more customers. Rump & Salzmann Gipswerk Uehrde GmbH & Co KG, which operates a dolomite quarry in Uehrde, Germany, has been one of the company’s customers from the very beginning.

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